WELCOME TO 2010!. Let´s have some fun with this video taken from youtube, just as a way of recovering from the long holiday and concentrating on the second term.....One of my resolutions is that all of us start this new year off on the right foot and learn more and more English!.Well, See uu next Thursday then!.
"To learn anything fast and effectively, you have to see it, hear it and feel it"!!!
WELCOME CHIC@S! 2nd Bachillerato IES CASTILLO DEL ÁGUILA (Villaluenga de la Sagra-Toledo)
THIS IS THE ENGLISH CORNER!. With this blog you will have the opportunity to learn, improve, practice and brush up your English!. I will include different types of exercises, curiosities and so on. You´ll also find interesting links and resources for learning: dictionaries, papers, songs etc. I just wish you find them really useful and get the most of this Blog!.
-My special Regards to one of the most important high schools where I started my teaching experience: IES RÍO JÚCAR. Madrigueras (Albacete)
What do you think of your English TEACHER? Be honest & Answer!!!