Thursday 2 June 2011

Links to some interesting Readings!

Just to practice before the paeg exam, I´m adding some links. You´ll find a reading, so read it and go to the "before-after reading" and do exercise 1 (True/False) and have a look at the exercise 2 (the one on synonyms). If you scroll down you will see the keyanswers at the end of the page!

Wednesday 1 June 2011

KEYANSWERS! Rephrasings

I´m attaching the keyanswers of all the rephrasings I handed you out!
I´ll download the selection of readings I´m preparing for you! I´ll do it tomorrow! If you have any doubt you can send me an email or come to talk to me!.

KEYANSWERS! Rephrasings

I´m attaching the keyanswers of all the rephrasings I handed you out!
I´ll download the selection of readers I´m preparing for you! I´ll do it tomorrow! If you have any doubt you can send me an email or come to talk to me!.