"To learn anything fast and effectively, you have to see it, hear it and feel it"!!!
WELCOME CHIC@S! 2nd Bachillerato IES CASTILLO DEL ÁGUILA (Villaluenga de la Sagra-Toledo)
THIS IS THE ENGLISH CORNER!. With this blog you will have the opportunity to learn, improve, practice and brush up your English!. I will include different types of exercises, curiosities and so on. You´ll also find interesting links and resources for learning: dictionaries, papers, songs etc. I just wish you find them really useful and get the most of this Blog!.
-My special Regards to one of the most important high schools where I started my teaching experience: IES RÍO JÚCAR. Madrigueras (Albacete)
What do you think of your English TEACHER? Be honest & Answer!!!
pero hay que imprimir el resto de las páginas??